Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gay Over The Knee By Women

Beijing or Beijing??

interesting thing about the Olympics:

5 pets were created each of which represents a color of olympic rings, a virtue and also represent animals iconography of China as well as traditional decorations. Beibei

depicting a fish of between 5 Mascot Beibei is recognized for his kindness and purity ring represents the blue Olympic.

JingJing depicting a Panda is known for his optimism and strength, representing the Olympic Ring Black. Huanhuan

representing the Olympic Flame is known as the Elder Brother of between 5 Pets symbolizes the passion for sport, open and enthusiastic temperament represents the red Olympic ring. Yingying

representing a Tibetan antelope alert and lively promotes good health wishes to all, represents the yellow Olympic ring. Nini

representing a Swallow brings the joy of children, representing the green Olympic ring.

Names of the five mascots are composed by 2 double rhythmic Syllables used to show affection to children so Beibei Yingying Nini JingJing Huanhuan if we read one syllable would sound Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni, which means "Beijing Welcomes "

Each represents one of the 5 elements of Nature Ocean, Forest, Fire, Earth and Sky, and it also symbolizes a Different Blessing, Prosperity, Happiness, Passion, Health and Good Luck.

To view a schedule of games: