The use of social Millennium Card up to 35% in 5 months. Is it because we recommend? The accounts of the Department of Transportation show that in recent months,
urban bus users are beginning to increasingly use social card, which allows reducing
transport for pensioners, unemployed, school and university . Specifically, from October to March,
accounts show a 35% increase in the number of trips paid for by social card. In total, seven million trips, 22.
The more and more travelers turn to this version of the Millennium card can be understood as a measure of savings
against crisis, especially considering that the unemployed can benefit it.
is true that other factors such as the creation of single ticket for the metropolitan area, but experts emphasize that the change
began in October, while this measure was implemented in early February .
Comparing the use of school bus card, pensioners and unemployed in the first quarter of 2011 compared to 2010, the figures are clear :
January 2011>> 298,759 trips; 2010> February 2011
256 885> 304 517 travel; 2010> 255 611
March 2011>> 344,842 trips; 2010> 302,484
The cheapest of the social cards enjoy college because the University subsidizes part of the amount, but
if the increase in use has been reduced , although also has noted, especially in March when she was hired to travel more than 4,500 times higher than in March 2010. These figures are quite impressive, according to the municipal technicians.
For Department of Transportation, which is responsible Yoya Neira,
these data lend support to its policy of subsidies to public transport , Who had to defend for the final climb in December last year. Neira
and then was described as a local government's commitment to maintain the social tariff Millennium card. Since January 1, pay the fare in cash is EUR 1.14 instead of 1.10 it cost last year but the social rate is 0.26 cents.
The general, that is, paid when using the normal Millennium card, up two cents, which went from 0.69 to 0.71.
Although the increase was as low as possible, many travelers complained that they continue raising rates when the Council aims to reduce the presence private transport on the streets. The Department of Transportation
replied that there was a large number of users who do not benefit.
fonts Tramways Company acknowledges that "there are few cities where transportation is so cheap and subsidized as in A Coruña" . In fact,
the mathematical formula used to calculate the increase would have to increase 6 cents, but the government lowered this to 4 .
Those who possess the qualifications and wish to be removed one of the social cards should go to the counter Town Hall offices at the bus station. (...)
An important detail:
clarify that the offices of Park City and Europe are also social cards. That is, they do
ALL the various steps of the little card. So
and no one necessarily have to go to the bus station if you do not want, there are several alternatives .
So far, the Millennium card use was irregular and it was only a majority depending on which line the road. bus drivers, for example, noted that traveling to outlying areas as
Novo Mesoiro and Los Rosales used it more, up to 80% cases, while others use lines down, a phenomenon that is ascribed to the population of these districts is younger than assume new initiatives over ease.
However, the crisis forces change consumer habits. Fuente: El Ideal Gallego