Thursday, April 14, 2011

Otome Suvia Watch Online

traffic manifestation (Av Finisterre> M ª Pita) and procession (Los Rosales). The Owl recovers

Via Blog of The Mall and origin, we spread the following notice, with attention to users lines 6, 6-A, 20, and all other running on Plaza de Pontevedra and San Andrés and Plaza of Spain (4, 5, 7 and 11, 3-A and 17):
'Day April 15, from 10:30 am, will start a demonstration by employees of Albada, from Central Specialties of Ventorrillo down Avenida de Finisterre to the Plaza de Pontevedra, continuing for San Andrés, Bakery and Plaza of Spain, from where will come down to the Plaza de María Pita, with a concentration in the same, it is estimated that approximately 2 hours, so it is recommended to avoid the traffic of vehicles on the streets affected during that time slot. "

also call attention to the next Sunday, 17 to 12 hours, when traffic court scheduled a -for Holy Week procession in Los Rosales, Elliptical Plaza tour, Manuel and Alfonso Rodriguez Castelao Azaña. Lines 3, 3-A, 12-A and 14 could be somewhat affected, thus, also Bear that in mind.

processions More info on this blog Os Mallos Quarter ...

Source: Blogs of The Mall and Rosales,


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