Monday, February 7, 2011

Where To Find Ho Oh In Pokemon Deluge

8D and internet problems new image header (?)

Well, my idea was to make entries as often as possible, and I was making but that was thwarted by my Internet signal ¬ ¬
was never very quick to say but it was passable and not I complained. Since a few weeks ago was horrible, not even I would have or or g l e Dx deducted that it was a dream to publish an entry or see a video of 5 seconds in youtube ¬ ¬ do not know what happened to him today that I load ok, but still my mother and decided to change the server because we are all bored with this D__D ... so that is the problem that will not let me post to u, u will solve it within this week that these days I change the sign: D, I hope, that if it is not the technique is that gotta bring home and dragging Ò.ó *********************** ************** I did not want to publish something just telling my problems XD so in my leisure time I made a new header image * o * ♥ Yoseob with
love is that this man is so cute *-*
! my favorite member of
, maybe after some of this group up I love it:) and also change the images of welcome and started

♥ TOP another of my platonic love xD

Ah! and the little buttons to blogger, Face and Twitter are the Fairy Tail anime
: D


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