Tuesday, May 10, 2011

African Gorean Slaves

Riazor cuts the athlete-important! - Against Athletic Bilbao. Users

Delicately day today ... and not by the usual cuts in the Riazor stadium environment for lines 3, 3-A and 7, but for the transcendent encounter of their drivers will be lost except live-bus radio ...- .

I do more than just knowing, regular users of these lines, the alternative routes on game days. But this post does not arrive today, especially to inform them. Is dedicated to give a bit more encouragement and support for Depor in the decisive match today (one more) in Bilbao.

fans gathered yesterday in Riazor and even cuts were caused traffic by signs of support provided by their presence.

What we want today is that they produce cuts that are necessary, but to celebrate, festive atmosphere and sentidiño, the Depor, his love and his city are still in first. And next year too! This is what deserves the Depor, their fans and their city.

Forza Depor! Oe!

Pictures: La Voz de Galicia, DeporSport
Chart: Blog Busurbano


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