Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ont Drivers License Expired Grace Period

Exclusive: Articles for line 11 to Marineda and A Grela. Only in the blog busurbano!

We confess that we slopes of the latest rumors and / or assumptions (first without and then with the foundation), of implementation of articulated buses on line 11 .

And we have the exclusive!
This is articulated that is finishing off with floats at the factory to fit Burillo Coruña mean going to the Commercial Area and Marineda City will not see anywhere else on the Internet!

What laaaaaaaaaaargo the maaadre me ...!

Well, after the understandable disappointment fruit of vile deception of sensational headline (we have no choice, let's go ...) , let that go if you think ...:

City Council strengthened on Monday May 2, line 11, which is what serves the Circle of A Grela and commercial centers Dolce Vita, Makro and Marineda City
[ take this opportunity to inform you of special service cease Marineda (Abura to Hybrid MAN too) that during the opening of the Commercial asset was free].

Case is to be replaced three of the five rigid vehicles covering the distance of three articulated buses, which will increase by 60% passenger load .
The Department of Transportation, which runs Yoya Neira, clarified that the three coaches not be withdrawn from other lines, as they belong to the reserve fleet Tramways Company.

According to our information, aspects "discouraged" or served misgivings about the measure were set in the "ease" that would circulate through the body of complicated issues as may be environments Hercules, Baked or Coastline, for example.

Peeeero ... taking us back to previous experiences, and field experiments very very recent- seems to be no obstacles for the worm to 18 meters can meander through the streets of every category .
And it's true! Or do you not remember day of the strike on October 29, 2010?

- Sometimes we see articulated ... Where there are none ...!

Yes, folks ... As you see in the pictures, lines 1, 2, 4, 6 and 11 (which is seen in small in the Plaza de Pontevedra) put into service that day as long, flexible, Tramways Company now at hand ...

In fact, it was a sort of experimental staging articulated bus lines and unusual environments, and a touchstone for future hypothetical actions.

Well, these future actions have already arrived.

reflection that some people (busurbana entity, and we know that reasonably reliable) have shared with us, versa in the sense of whether the remedy to service improvement lie in the adoption of higher capacity vehicles (the same number, frequency and difficulties at peak times so far), or strengthening / increasing physical drives on line 11 (on the assumption that the greater the number of buses frequencies, the most wholesome and best service ...).

We made the air outside reflection, making our in trying to find the best compromise for a line as is becoming complicated 11. And giving vote of confidence to see how this new measure on routes where service had been introduced exceptional items, try to be bus drivers themselves and users to get us out of the previous uncertainty.

Who knows, maybe the solution was as simple as this!

Source: La Voz de Galicia
Images; Bodies Burillo, Blog Busurbano

Mounts: Blog Busurbano


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